
Warm up: 8:00 EMOM
5 squats
5 push ups
Mountain climber rest of minute

-1 min max air squats
-250 m row

WOD 1 - 5:00 AMRAP
4 seated rope climbs or 1 rope climb
8 med ball presses
16 med ball side to side wall taps

WOD 2 - 5:00
40 bicycles
30 superman
20 sprinters
10 GHD hip ext.

WOD 3 - 5:00
100 m run
10 squats
20 calf jumps

WOD 4 -
DB floor press
DB deadlift


Warm up:
10 spidey lunges
10 side lunges
10 samson lunges
1:00/1:00 calf stretch
1:00/1:00 pigeon pose
1:00 roll IT band

Skill: (alternate both)
Goblet squat
Hand to hand swings
10-8-6-4-2 (each hand counts as 1)
:30 rest each round

WOD - 12 min AMRAP
4 - kb goblet squats
30- sit ups
4 - hand to hand swings
30 - lunges
100 m run/row

Finisher- 1 max wall sit
4:00 hamstring stretch (box,band, or wall)


Warm up: 2 rounds
50 m or down and back
-butt kicks
-high knees
1:00/1:00 wall couch
1:00/1:00 wall pigeon
1:00/1:00 hamstring (box)

WOD 1 - 5:00
12 KB swings
9 box squats
1 stair run or 100 m run

Push up
Cal row

WOD 3 - 5:00
10 wall ball
20 russian twist

100 flutter kicks
Right into max 6" leg raise


Warm up:
Every minute on the minute - 5:00
5 lunges
5 sit ups
Plank rest of minute

Every minute on the minute - 5:00
5 push ups
1 burpee
Wall sit rest of minute

Tabata - 8 rounds!! (:20/:10)

WOD - 4 rounds
2 burpees
100 m sprint
Rest :30


Warm up:
10 pass throughs
10 squats
10 spidey lunges
10 butterfly sit ups
10 sit up rollovers

KB high pull from hang position
5 x 10
:30 max sit ups between sets
1:00 shoulder mobility
(internal rotation, bicep internal)

WOD - 7:00 x 2 with 3:00 rest between rounds
20 sit ups
20 mtn climbers
10 KB high pulls (hang)
10 KB swings
5 push ups
5 cal row or 5 burpees


Friday's WOD is always posted on the CrossFit New Albany website.

The order forms for the new t-shirts (we're making 3 types) are up right now at CFNA!

You have until Monday night 830pm to simply check mark the shirt and size you want.

unisex sizing American Apparel shirts.

If you don't get your check mark down by Monday night 830pm then you don't get a shirt.

You can see what they will look like on the sign up sheet along with the cost of each shirt ($12-$20).

I will be getting all 3 shirts because I will be at regionals rocking them Friday, Saturday and Sunday!


Warm up: 2 rounds
10 spidey lunges
10 pvc roll overs
1:00/1:00 calf stretch
10 squatted pvc roll overs
10 up dog to down dog
1:00/1:00 wall couch

WOD 1 - 7:00
20 step ups
10 box dips
100 m run/row

WOD 2 - 7:00
15 sit ups
10 squats
5 push ups

WOD 3 - 7:00
Row :30 (sprint)
Rest :30


Warm up: 10 min
5 sit ups
20 toe touch back bends
5 push ups
20 reverse over the gate
5 squats
20 spidey lunges

Skill: 10 min
100 m row
5 - 10 GHD sit ups and hip ext.

Skill: 10 min
Jump rope
Handstand practice (wall walk- wall handstand- free handstand- handstand push up)
Alternate back and forth

*separate skills into two groups

WOD - partner
15 min AMRAP
5 push ups
10 squats
15 sit ups
200 m run
*alternate rounds with partner


Warm up: 8:00
4 squats
1 burpee
4 push ups
Sit ups rest of minute

Test: 2 rounds
250 m row time

WOD 1 - 5:00
12 KB swings
12 sprinters
12 ghd hip ext

WOD 2 - 5:00
5 hanging knee tucks
5 push ups
5 ring rows

WOD 3 -
1000 m row

WOD 4 - 5:00
50 flutter kicks
50 step ups


Warm up:
Dynamic stretch down and back
2 rounds
-toe touch
-quad stretch
-over the gate
-reverse over the gate
-high knees

Skill: Partner
Back squat
5 x 5
Spot and help partner with form
10 spidey lunges between each set

WOD 1 -
21- 15 - 9
Air squat
Push up

WOD 2 - 7 min AMRAP
10 KB swings
20 sit ups
10 GHD hip ext
:20 rest

Catching up with the times

We have changed over our payment system so you'll need to go to the pricing page and do your membership again.  Once that is done I will cancel your current and refund any overlapping membership fees you may have.  For some people you may save money, others you may stay the same and yet others may pay more....  just depends on what rate you've been at and how many people you have in the family at CFNA.

If you have a parent that works out at CFNA and a child you would sign up as a 2 person CrossFit membership.  If there are 3 people then the same or if there is a Functional Fitness (Lite) person and a kid or 2 you then do 2 or 3 on the Functional Fitness side.

If you have questions shoot me a line but the listed prices on the website are what we're at now (which is still so much less than programs of this quality).

Just and FYI: The Functional Fitness (Lite) program will eventually end up being the same cost as the CrossFit program.  All current members and new members through the summer will be locked in at our current price.


Community Friday!
Welcome to our very first Community Friday! What does it mean to you.... it means you can come to any of our classes from the 5am class all the way up through our last Friday class starting at 630pm. It doesn't matter if you are a CrossFitter, Functional Fitter (Lite), or CrossFit KidFitter.

We welcome new people to come and try us out but if you try coming every Friday not only will we start charging you but we will also make you do 7 minutes of burpee bar touches followed by "Murph".

If that doesn't make sense then read it again and keep repeating until it makes sense.


Warm up w/ partner: 12 minute AMRAP
-20 Plank hand shakes (in a push up position shake hands with partner R/L-face head to head)
-20 Air squats (hold hands-arms should make an "X") w/ dynamax ball on arms on the "diamond" formed by both sets of arms.
-20 KB swings (stand next to each other so KB is between the two of you and each person holds onto the kb with one hand)-eye level swing only
-20 Sit ups (feet to feet with a double high five on the sit up)

-MOBILITY- 2:00 wall pigeon

SKILL: Rope climb-10 minutes (mix in seal stretch)
*partner up in terms of one person knows how to climb and the other person does not know how to climb the rope. Yes teach the person who doesn't know how to climb the rope.
For people not capable of holding onto the rope to cinch, they need to work on lying rope climbs

-MOBILITY- 1:00 KB bondage and 1:00 skin the catch stretch

WOD: Teams of 3 (3 minute cycles with :30 rest/transition)

1) BUY IN: 30 BURPEES (choose 1 athlete) then:
As many push ups as possible (c2g)-all athletes

2) BUY IN: 30 SIT UPS (choose 1 athlete) then:
As many air squats as possible-all athletes

3) BUY IN: 30 TOES TO BAR (choose 1 athlete) then:
As many tallbee's as possible-all athletes (tallbee does not have the hand walk portion of a wall walk)

4) BUY IN: 30 calorie row (choose 1 athlete)
As many burpees as possible-all athletes


Warm up: 2 rounds
2 burpees
4 seated rope climbs
6 GHD hip ext
8 squats
10 sit ups or 10 GHD sit ups

WOD 1 - 5:00 AMRAP
10 KB swings
20 step ups

Push up
Ring row

WOD 3 - 5:00 AMRAP
5 wall ball
10 squats onto ball
15 russian twists

Row 1000 m


Warm up: 15 min (alternating rounds with partner)
200 m row
20 mtn climbers
5 burpees

Tabata: 4 rounds x 2 with 2 minute rest(:20/:10 with :30 transition)
Side to side jump
Sit up
Shuffle line to line

max wall sit
max plank
max bar hang

Mobility: glutes


Warm up: 8 min - every minute on the minute
3 push ups
6 superman
9 sit ups
Burpees rest of minute

Skill: partner
Hand to hand KB swings
5 x 12 (12 total 6/6)
Lunge while partner swings

WOD 1 - 6 min AMRAP
10 hand to hand KB swings
5 burpees
10 kb goblet squats
:30 rest

Rest 3 min

WOD 2 - 6 min AMRAP
100 m run/row
20 step ups 10/10
10 sit ups
5 seated rope climbs or 1 rope climb


Warm up: 2 rounds
200 m run
10 squats
10 spidey lunges
1:00/1:00 couch stretch
20 sit ups

Skill: 10-15 min
5 tire flips (mod sumo KB or DB deadlift)
1:00 wall groin (wall porn)

WOD - 12 min AMRAP
15 sit ups
10 squats
5 push ups
2 tire flips
Rest :30

Very important to read: Lots of cool new stuff :)

Olympic lifting and Mobility classes for $1
Our Olympic lifting and Mobility classes will now be looked at as "specialty" classes and will cost $1.  I know a crazy $1 cash that will go directly to the trainer.  The $1 cost is mandatory so don't forget it and please bring cash (no change please).

These classes are being added and we expect that everyone will attend them.  It is insane for someone with horrible mobility to continue that uphill battle on a daily basis and never attend a mobility class.  

As a trainer it is extremely frustrating to coach a class and have people who struggle at Olympic lifting and mobility and don't do anything to make that better.  When a trainer specifically comes up to you and says, "you need to go to the Olympic lifting classes and/or mobility classes" it literally means you have to go to those or we can no longer allow you to safely workout here.  These classes should become a consistent part of your workout/health routine.

You can go to 3 or 4 of those classes a week and still pay less and get more than probably all gyms around the world.

We are offering some amazing classes so take advantage of them.

Also remember that you can come to any of our Functionally Fit classes as well! 

This starts as of April 9th (post Easter)

Olympic lifting:
Tuesday/Thursday 330pm ($1)
Saturday 8am and 4pm ($1)
Sunday 4pm ($1)
*if classes are filling we will add more

Wednesday 630pm
Saturday 4pm
*if classes are filling we will add more

How our new people will enter the program (soon)

Coming up soon, all people entering the program will enter our functional fitness classes.  If they wish to also attend our CrossFit classes they will also attend our Olympic lifting classes and mobility classes.  This will replace our "elements" program.

People will not be allowed to enter into the CrossFit classes until they have "passed" the functional fitness classes as well as the mobility and Olympic lifting sessions.  For some people this will take a year and for others it will take a week but nobody will be pushed through until they're ready.

We also plan on adding a few gymnastic classes at some point (need to figure how it will fit into the schedule).

This will give all new people a great workout but also a less stressful environment in which to prepare themselves for the regular CrossFit classes (if they want to attend those).

We feel it is so important not only for the CrossFit classes to run smoothly but also our people to stay healthy.  A huge part of that is making sure our people have amazing form on all movements and have a health enhancing level of mobility.

This may or may not change anything for YOU, if it does, it does and anything and everything we do is only to make YOU better.

Changing payment systems over
We are changing our payment system over which means I will be asking you to basically re-sign up through a different system (very soon).  I will take care of any refunds based on overlapping membership from paypal to the new system.

For some people this may mean it is more expensive and for others they may end up saving money (depends on what programs you are currently in as well as how many family members).

If you have any questions just ask although I will simply tell you what is listed on the site.  If the price is more expensive than what you currently pay then just think of your last "x" amount of months as a discounted price you received and now you're membership is the normal price.   In order to run the place and continue offering awesome classes throughout the day this is what we need to do and if it bothers you that much I say go find a place that offers a program as awesome for less or even the same price.  What you'll find is that nobody comes close in terms of price, quality workouts, class offerings and community.

Friday Community Day
Functional Friday will be a day of body positioning (gymnastics), mobility and a functional fitness WOD.  It will be a great day to get all our classes together (CrossFit, Functionally Fit and CrossFit Kids as well as any new people wanting to try the program).


Warm up: 5 min
5 squats
5 push ups
1 burpee

Mobility: glutes/shoulders

25 squats
50 sit ups

WOD 2 - 5 min AMRAP
50 m run
50 m high knees
5 burpees

KB swing
Cal row

WOD 4 - 5 min AMRAP
3 seated rope climb or 1 rope climb
10 GHD hip ext.


Warm up: 2 rounds
10 spidey lunges
8 sit ups
6 superman
4 push ups
2 burpees
5 GHD hip ext

Skill: 10 rounds
4 dips (box,straight bar,rings)
Max hang from bar
8 sit ups

WOD - 5:00 x 2 with 2:00 rest
100 m run/row
4 squat jumps
4 burpees
4 rope pull ups (jumping)


Warm up: groups of three
200 m run/row
KB swing


2000 m row

Tabata: 6 round
-Box jump
-KB swing


Warm up: 8 min
8 lunges
8 supermen
Flutter kicks ROM

4 min mobility

Turkish get ups
5 x 4/4
10 GHD hip ext after each set.

WOD 1 - 6:00
5 push ups
3/3 turkish get ups

WOD 2 - 6 min
4 wall ball
8 russian twists
16 lunges


Warm up: 15 min
20 mountain climbers
1:00/1:00 calf stretch
Spidey lunge D
Over the gate B
3 inch worms
1:00/1:00 wall couch

Dumbell thruster
8-10 x 5
*Alternating sets with partner

WOD: 15 min
*alternate rounds with partner
5 thrusters
5 burpees
100 m run