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New Members, follow these easy instructions


Is this the program for you?

Search all over central Ohio and you will not find a gym with a better reputation or history of programming and success.  We've been around since 2002 and no gym can match our record of producing high end athletes and an amazing community.

If you have decided that you want to do the best and most rewarding workout program in the world then follow these simple steps (yes it is the best, CrossFit is hands down better than every program in the world).

1)  Go to PRICE and start your membership (everyone starts as a Functional Fitness member and works up to become a CrossFit member if they want).  Kids are CrossFit Kids.  If you have multiple members of your family starting at the same time you then group together rather than separate memberships for each person.

2) Now that you've started your membership you can start coming to class!  If you want to become a CrossFit member you need to pass two  things:
-Functional Fitness capacity (basically show us you're in shape)
-Olympic lifting (attend those classes)

Once the trainers have told you that you have good enough capacity, are good enough at Olympic lifting and mobile enough you can then become a CrossFit member.  I will upgrade your membership so you can come to the CrossFit classes.

Realize there is no pressure on you to so called "pass".  You get to partake in an amazing Functional Fitness program, get awesome Olympic lifting classes and body awakening Mobility sessions.

If you want to be in the CrossFit classes yesterday then show us you're ready.  By making people go through these steps we ensure that they are functionally ready to take it to that next level.  Realize this is day 1, month 1, year 1 of the rest of your fitness life.

This program is top notch, the setup is one of the best in the world because we want what is best and not what is the easiest or fastest or what will make people the happiest on day 1 but overwhelmed, upset and read to quit on day 30.

Got questions.... read below

***Our memberships are auto pay with no contracts.  We only want people here who love it, we want people to get everything out of their monthly membership.  I can edit the membership when you upgrade or add people.

Q: Do I have to start at Functional Fitness even though I come from another CrossFit place?
A: Yes.  Show us what you got and we'll upgrade you if you're ready.  Nobody skips this step, not even a Games winner.

Q: I'm L1 certified with numerous other certifications, can I skip all the steps and come straight to CrossFit?
A: Nope.  No disrespect but certifications only mean something if people got the goods to back them up so show us.

Q: What if I'm not sure if the place is for me?
A: Try us out once and you'll know.

Q: Can your program prepare me for things such as marathons, triathlons, warrior dash, competitions, sports, etc?
A: No better program in the world to prepare you for not only specific events, but also for everything non-specific.

Q: When should I start my membership?
A: Before you show up.

Q: How will you know who I am?
A: Shoot us an email so we know all about you.

Q: Can I come to a CrossFit class if I haven't passed the Olympic lifting class yet?
A: Nope

Q: Can I come to Olympic class?
A: Yes, if you want to upgrade to CrossFit.

Q: How do I know if I passed the Olympic class?
A: Tell the trainer at the start of class you're trying to "pass" the class and they'll let you know at the end (if they don't then ask).  Don't expect to walk in there and just pass, Olympic lifting isn't something that people just "get" right away.

Q: How can I speed up this process because I want to be in the CrossFit classes?
A: Come to as many Olympic classes as possible and you can also book super cheap private sessions with our trainers to learn all this super cool stuff.

Q: What if the Functional Fitness classes don't fit my schedule?
A: The best thing I can think of is to schedule some PT sessions with the trainers to pass to the CrossFit classes then.  Our schedule is our schedule, the workout is well worth it so try your best to get in here.

Q: What is up with Friday classes?
A: You can come to any of those!  It is our community day!

Q: How do I stay updated?
A: Join our facebook, twitter, blog and email feeds to stay updated and also check the boards out at CFNA.

Q: What is the class schedule and do I need to book in order to attend?
A: The schedule is on the website and no booking for the classes.

Q: Can I bring new people to try it out?
A: Yes of course, just let us know what class they'll be coming to.  People can try it once and then they can either become a member or not.

Q: How to cancel....
A: Why would you want to do that?  Log in to your members account from the pricing page or let us know.

Q: Can I workout at any CrossFit place with this membership?
A: Our membership is only good at our place, but we recommend you attending other CrossFit boxes while on the road.  Simply email the location and let them know you'll be in town.  Some places allow you to workout there for free and other places are not so free.

Q: Once I pass I don't need to take the Olympic classes?
A: You should take those things the rest of your life, they're amazing so keep attending them.

Q: I'm a woman and I'm afraid I'll bulk up....
A: If you read a lot will your brain blow up?  That's all crap, you're fine, we don't take steroids and we don't isolate muscles.  We will however turn you into a machine!

Q: Do I have to take the Olympic classes and become a CrossFit member?
A: Nope, you can do Functional Fitness for the rest of your life.  I do suggest taking the Mobility classes because they're so important.  If you don't want to upgrade then I'd say don't take the Olympic lifting classes.

Q: Can my kids take the Olympic  classes?
A: Can your kids pay attention, control themselves?  If yes then sure, but ask first.

Q: Can non-members take the Olympic/Mobility classes or a CrossFit class?
A: Visiting CrossFitters can take one of these classes.  If they're a non-CrossFitter then they would need to do the Functional Fitness class, no Olympic and yes to Mobility.

Q: If a friend and I join, can we do a 2 person membership?
A: No

Q: I can't afford the membership, can I get it for cheaper?
A: No, cancel your cable, quit drinking/smoking/chewing, don't drive so fast, get a bike, pirate internet, etc etc.  We wish we could do this for free but we can't and our prices are already so awesome for what we offer.

Q: What are the ages of your kid program?
A: 6-12 years

Q: How do I know if/when my kid is ready for Functional/CrossFit vs. Kid.
A: Ask us.  They can start at kid and if you/us think Functional is better then we can move them up.  We'll communicate to put them where they should be.