
Warm up: 8:00 EMOM
4 squats
8 sit ups
Mtn climbers ROM

Skill/mobility: 10 min
10 x 10
Mobility for better squat form

WOD 1 : 5 rounds
100 m row
20 sit ups

WOD 2 : 5 rounds
1:00 plank
5 tire flips
10 step ups/box jumps

Finisher: 2 rounds
Max watt row
Max wall sit


Warm up:
Partner 2k row
*rotate every 100m, try to lower split each round.

Tabata: 6 rounds of :20/:10
-squat (:02 pause at bottom)
-stiff leg press (bar)
-upright row (bar)

SL press (bar,DB,KB)
Row cal. or 2x box jumps


Warm up:
1 shuttle run
Shuffle - 100m
High knees - 100m
Butt kicks - 100m
Hamstring walk - 50m
High kicks - 50m

Strength 1 -
5 rounds of 5 KB swings right into 5 KB high pulls.

Strength 2 -
5 rounds of 5/5 DB statue of liberty sit ups right into 5/5 single arm SL presses.

10 - 1
Push up
Sit up

Memorial Day-Monday

9am class only and it is bring a friend class.  $5 cost for everyone with all the money going to the Marcus Hendren "Games" fund.

The 8am Olympic lifting class is $2 and that money also goes to the Marcus fund.  Only people looking to move up to CrossFit should come to the O-lifting classes.


Warm up: with partner
2000 meter row
50 squats
Share both. Get row done before starting squats.
(Good form!!! Learn how to get a full pull in pause for a sec before going in with ore. Keep strokes per minute down. This is for skill not speed.)


WOD 1 - 6:00
100 m run
20 situps
20 tire step ups

WOD 2 -
20-2 even
Push up
KB swing

WOD 3 -
Box dips
Deadlift (bar,kb,db,atlas stone,log)


Warm up:
Tabata - (:20/:10) 4 rounds at each station
-sit ups
-mtn climbers
-push ups
*1:00 rest between stations

Skill: 10 min with partner
10 GHD hip ext
20 sit ups
*partner rows while waiting for partner to finish.

Endurance: with partner
4 x 400
*rest while partner runs

Finisher: lots of mobility


Warm up: 2 rounds
Down and back
-high knees
-spidey lunge
-butt kicks
-samson lunge
-reverse over the gate
-inch worm

WOD 1 - 6:00 AMRAP
10 box step ups or box jumps
10 box dips
20 sit ups
20 superman

4 x 200 m row
*1:00 rest between

WOD 3 - 6:00 AMRAP
5 wallball
10 seated rope climbs or 2 rope climbs
20 russian twist (L+R=1)

-Max watt row
-Max plank hold



Warm up: 10 min
Push up
Sit up

Skill 1
Weighted lunges
10 x 10
*10 sit ups after each set

Skill 2 - 3 rounds
1:00 jump rope
10 GHD hip ext

WOD - 8 min
8 medball squats (holding medball)
8 cal row or 100 m run
8 medball sit ups (hold medball at chest or overhead)
16 medball oh presses

Buy a jump rope

What a great piece of equipment to have and use often and pretty much anywhere.

This Rogue Fitness jump rope is pretty darn slick and they now also have a shorter handle for those with small hands.

The Rx jump rope is what I have at home, school and the gym and they're butter.  Make sure to read the "how to" so you order correctly.

The laser fast Again Faster jump rope will compete nicely with the above two ropes.

CrossFit and Functional Fit (LITE) are not the same thing

FYI: No functional fit people are allowed to attend CrossFit classes.  You need to pass both functional fit (LITE) and Olympic lifting before you can attend CrossFit classes.  Don't assume you've passed, I need to let you know you've passed.

This especially goes for any LivingSocial/Groupon people
You will not be allowed to enter the CrossFit classes until after your voucher is completed

Living Social

If you got the living social or groupon deal, GREAT!  You simply need to come to a class with your voucher, fill out an info sheet (2 minutes) and you'll be ready to go!

The schedule of classes you can attend is listed right on this webpage.  You can also attend the specialty classes (they'll cost you $1).  The CrossFit classes are not included in the deal.

For those wanting to work up to the regular CrossFit classes all you'll need to do is come to the functional classes and take the Olympic lifting classes.  We will keep you in the functional fit classes until your deal is up and when you join as an official member we can then move you up to CrossFit if you're ready.

Communicate with us so we know you are wishing to move up to the CrossFit classes.  We will only move people up if they're ready, we're not in the business of overwhelming people.

Hope your month goes amazingly!

Shoot us a line or ask a trainer anything, we want you to feel totally comfortable here.


Warm up: 8:00
Every minute on the minute
8 medball slams
8 push ups
Plank rest of minute

Skill: 10 min
Pull ups (kipping, banded, ring rows)

Tabata: (6 rounds :20/:10)
Sit ups

WOD 1 - 5:00
10 superman
20 sit ups
10 medball slams
20 step ups

WOD 2 - 5:00
10 KB high pulls
20 mtn climbers
10 side to side jumps
1 shuttle run


Warm up: 8 min
10 spidey lunges
10 toe touch back bends
10 lateral lunges
10 reverse over the gates
25 calf jumps

1:00/1:00 x 2
Wall pigeon
Banded hamstring

WOD - 3:00 x 4 with 1:00 rest
3 seated rope climbs or 3 pull ups
6 cal row
9 medball thrusters
20 step ups or box jumps

More mobility!

Pull up practice tomorrow!!


Warm up:
Three rounds
400 M run
10 GHD hip extensions
20 sit up rollovers
10 squatted pass throughs

2 shuttle runs
2 max watt rows

WOD - 20 min - with partner
400 m run with med ball overhead.
50 wall ball
50 sit ups
50 GHD hip ext
50 cal row
50 KB swings
*only one teammate works at a time. Split with teammate.


Warm up:
Down and back
-inch worm
-spidey lunge
-high knees
-butt kicks
-walking toe touch
-walking quad stretch

2:00 each leg
Band hamstring

Skill: 6-8 rounds
5/5 db box step ups.
10 db floor press

WOD - 10:00
20 knee tucks
20 superman
20 kb swings
20 side to side jumps (skaters)
200 m row


Dont forget, no classes This Friday, Saturday, or Sunday for reguonals!

Warm up: 3 rounds
:30/ :30
-flutter kicks
-push ups
-KB sumo deadlift high pull

WOD 1 -
3 x 250m row
-rest :30 between rows

WOD 2 - 5:00 AMRAP
5 push ups
5 squats
5 sit ups

WOD 3 -
6 x 100 m run
-rest :30 between each run

WOD - 5:00 AMRAP
5 wall ball
10 GHD hip ext
20 sit ups


Warm up: 2 rounds of
Jog 50m
High knees 50m
Butt kicks 50m
Shuffle 50m
Inch worm D&B
Spidey lunge D&B

Partner 1000 m sprint row
-after row practice jump rope 3:00

WOD 2 - tabata
4 x :20/:10 (4 rounds at each station. Move to next after all 4 rounds are complete.)
-line shuffles (15')
-KB swings
-medball russian twists
-ring rows

-20 supermen
-max leg raise (6" hold)


Warm up: 8:00
Every minute on the minute
5 squats with a :02 hold at bottom
Mountain climber for rest of minute

WOD 1 - 7 min AMRAP
Row 250m
10 step ups/ box jumps
10 box dips

WOD 2 - 2 rounds
1:00 wall sit
1:00 sit up
1:00 plank hold
1:00 rest

WOD 3 - 7:00
5 wall ball
10 medball walk over (push up position)
20 russian twist L+R=2


Warm up: 3 rounds
10 spidey lunges
10 sit ups
10 samson lunges
10 push ups
1:00/1:00 pigeon

Skill: 5 rounds
10 DB/KB front squat
5 GHD sit ups
5 GHD hip ext

WOD 3:00 x 4 1:00 rest
4 DB/KB front squat
6 push ups
8 sit ups


Warm up: 2 rounds
20 PVC pass throughs
100 m jog
100 m karaoke
100 m shuffle
20 toe touches

Wall ball
Ring row

Sit up

3 rounds
400 m run
20 KB swings

100 lunges ( use weight if your a badass )



This is our new bank, deposit for a brand new floor and then ring the bell.  You've been asking and offering so now is the time.  You will see the bucket under the white board by the stairs.  I'd like to get the funds all set up by this weekend (as much as possible).  The bucket will stay there until the end of the month in case some people forget.

Bring a Friend Weekend
$5 buy in for the flooring for all non CFNA members.  All classes (not O-lift) are open to bring a friend.

Warm up: 
20 ground touch and jump
20 lunges
20 cal row
20 sit ups
20 calf jumps
1:00/1:00 wall couch 
1:00/1:00 calf stretch
20 high kicks
20 reverse over the gate

Skill: 7 min
work on squat
(mobility if needed to squat correctly)

Skill: 7 min 
rowing (pace, and sprint)
(mobility if needed to row correctly)

2 x 500 m row
2 x 250 m row
2 x 100 m row