
"What counts in sports is not the victory, but the magnificence of 

the struggle."
- Joe Paterno

"Lisa Nunley has had MS since 1990. Recently she had to have surgery to correct her feet. She has still been coming by modifying and doing alternative WODS."

Keep getting better.  Each time you come in and try your best you are getting better.  Like everything in life you get out what you put in.  Our goal at Crossfit Lite is to make you a healthier more functional person.  I have seen lots of progress in just a few weeks.  Always remember form follows function. 

Warm Up: 16 minutes:
4:00 Rowing
4:00 mobility

Box dips
Hanging knee tucks

10 min AMRAP:
200m walk/run
2 burpees
4 push ups
4 box dips
6 kb swings
6 kb high pulls
8 step ups
8 sit ups

Cash out: 
200m row
20 GHD hip ext.